Here on our site, we strive to bring you the best that we can locate. Most of our items are a hundred years of age and older, and all are in working condition unless mentioned. These are timeless items which will be an heirloom for your family and future generations. Any questions, we want you to feel free to ask. If we don’t know the answer, we will find out. Feel free to contact us at any time by using the “Contact Us” section, text or phone call.
Please allow us 24 to 48 hours to fill your order. We strive to serve you as fast and efficiently as possible, and we want to ensure your item arrives safe and secure. No refunds on items unless grossly misdescribed. We are not responsible for any items not picked up within 30 days, without prior arrangements. We are sure you understand with this.
We are always interested in purchasing one piece to an entire collection. Selling by consignment is an option but only by our approval. Thank you for looking and please refer us to your family and friends! Any questions feel free to call or email us!

Considering one of our products or looking for something in particular? Give us a call. We will be glad to help!
We are always interested! From one item to an entire collection. Contact us!